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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Earn $5,180 Using A FREE Google Trick (EARN Money Online )

Earn $5,180 Using A FREE Google Trick (EARN Money Online )

 In this blog  i'm going to show you how to  earn money online using a free google trick  

which is one of the easiest  ways to make money from home  

how to do it we're about to find out this is  how to earn 5180 using a free google trick  

also only half of the people that watch my blog are actually subscribed so if you end up getting  

value out of this blog  ticked on it's free and you  

can always change your mind later in that way i  will notify you whenever i have a new and fresh  

strategy to make money online so you can be one  of the first to use it thus of course make the  

most money in this blog i will explain to you  how you can set up this passive income stream  

by leveraging a simple google trick in one click  of a button using this absolutely free software  

and guess what you don't need to invest any money  to start this you don't need to have your own  

website and this has nothing to do with affiliate  marketing now right before i explain to you how  

you can do this comment down below i am from blank  aka your country in that way i'll know exactly  

where you're from so in the future i can make sure  that every single blog i release is meant for you  

so drop your country's name in the comments down  below and don't forget i'll be giving special  

bonus tips that will allow you to earn double or  even triple more money compared to other people  

so make sure to stick around and keep watching  all the way until the end now let's get into  

the blog so let's begin with step number  one which is going over to  

and step number two that's going to take you  over to google news which is a news aggregator  

service developed by google where you can find  all of the latest news from all around the world  

and here on the left hand side you can see all of  these different categories including your country  

what's happening in the world your local news and  you also have business technology entertainment  

sports science and health if you go over  to business right here that's going to give  

you all of the latest business news either in  your specific country or all around the world  

now moving on to step number three every  couple of hours this news will update and  

new articles will take place on specific topics  which in this case that's going to be business  

as you can see right here this one was posted one  hour ago this one 14 hours ago 11 hours ago and  

so on and so forth so you can open any of these  articles and use them to make money online so for  

example we're going to use this one a flight  to space with jeff bezos aboard blue origin's  

new shepard sold for 28 million dollars now all we  have to do is just click this specific article and  

that's going to take us to this page so as you can  see this is the entire article that you can use to  

make money which i will be explaining exactly how  so for this step i want you to copy this article  

and for the sake of this blog i'm just going to  copy two sentences of this article just to show  

you an example of how this actually works and  how you can make money from these articles on  

google news now moving on to step number four  all you need to do is go over to is a free online tool that will  rewrite those articles professionally for you  

so you can use them free of charge  to make money online again and again  

so what you will need to do is paste your  article here and just click paraphrase and  

it's going to rewrite the entire article the best  part is it's all done for you for absolutely free  

so as you can see here on the left hand side  we have the original article and on the right  

hand side we have the rephrased article which  is now unique and ready to be used now i can  

copy this rephrased article with one click of a  button so i can use it to make money online and  

you can do the same thing for all of these  articles from different categories that are  

available in google news which are coming in  every couple of hours like you have thousands  

and thousands of different articles and each of  these articles can make you money again and again  

and later in this blog  i will be giving you  free bonuses that will allow you to make even  

more money so stay tuned for that now moving on to  step number five there are two different ways you  

can make money with those rephrased articles the  first one is not going to make you that much but  

the second one can make you thousands of dollars  in fact it actually made tens of thousands of  

dollars to lots of people from all over the world  but real quick if you guys are enjoying this blog  

in which i've put a lot of time and energy into  actually doing it i would really appreciate it if  

you guys could tap the like button and make sure  you follow me ticked on  

and if we get 200 likes on this video i'll drop a  brand new blog next week to show you guys exactly  

how to make even more money online doing basic  things just like this in the comfort of your home  

now let's get back to the blog now the first and  the least paying option is to use is working with some massive  companies such as yoast staples ebay and so on  

this platform will pay you for writing those  articles now of course you won't have to write  

those articles yourself because as i just  showed you you can get them written for you  

for absolutely free with one click of a button by  using a simple google trick to make money online  

so all you need to do is go over to and click on i write  

content right here and that's going to take you  over to the next page where you can learn more  

about how making money by writing articles for  text broker actually is it's absolutely free to  

register with text broker and start making  money by writing different articles today 

now if you go to the payment section right here  and click on more information you will be able  

to calculate how much money you will be making as  you can see for 1 000 words you will be making 50  

and you can literally find a lot of articles  that are 1 000 words long on google news  

so the longer the article is the higher the  earnings if your article is longer and better  

you will be making more money so let's say for  12 000 words you will be making up to 600 the  

best part is you can do it over and over again  but just keep in mind that this is not going  

to make you that much money compared to the  second way of making money with free articles  

to get started with text broker just click  on free author registration right here  

create an absolutely free account and start making  some money with those articles and the second way  

you can make money from those free articles is  by leveraging the power of freelancing websites  

like and so on and so forth there's a lot of  different freelancing websites which you can use  

not just fiverr because if you use more of them  you will be able to make a lot more money so if  

you sell on 10 different freelancing websites you  can earn 10 times your earnings but if you sell  

just on one website that's only one way to make  money from those articles so the more you do it  

the more money you'll make so if you go over to and search for article writing that's  

going to show you all of these different people  that are making money by writing simple articles  

but the thing is they are doing it the hard way  because they are doing it themselves and that's  

why it takes them a lot more time and effort to  write those articles and customers just don't like  

to wait i mean no one likes to wait and since you  can deliver those articles almost instantly you  

will be 10 steps ahead of all your competitors in  that way you'll earn more money compared to them  

and you can see that it actually works like this  person is providing this service starting from 35  

and got 148 sales which is over 5180 in profit  this person is charging 40 and got over 400 sales  

this person is charging 60 and got 357 sales and  so on and so forth these are all proofs that it  

actually works all of these people are making tens  of thousands of dollars by writing simple articles  

and this is just on one freelancing website  called fiverr which is a really competitive  

one so that's why i highly recommend you  use the other freelancing websites as well  

and you have lots of different fiverr  alternatives as i mentioned earlier in this blog

the more freelancing websites you use the more you  will be able to maximize your earnings this method  

is really simple and it's absolutely free the best  part is it works all over the world so there we go  

and now check out this bllog to discover how you  can earn five dollars every 60 seconds for typing  

words anyone can do this and i'll show you how  to do it in this video right here check it out  

thank you so much for watching and be sure to  follow with notifications on  

so you don't miss out on any of the new content  as always i'll see you in the next blog.

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