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Thursday, March 17, 2022

How to earn money $100 or above from linkedin?

 How to earn money $100 or above from linkedin? 

Hey, come here. Come here. Let me show you something. See this? I'm going to show you,

how to make this everyday on LinkedIn with this one trick right here that you can do from any country. You can do it for free. It doesn't cost anything to apply this. You can do it easily. And even if you are not 18, you can do this. Even if you have no experience, you can do this. Even if you have no money, you can

do this. And even if you have very little time, you can do this. And I'm going to show you in this video in less than 15 minutes how you can get started earning money, no matter where you're from. And I'm going to show you three ways you can use this trick to make money with LinkedIn. And even better, I'm going to show you a bonus way that you can not only use these 3 ways to make money with LinkedIn. But I'm also going to show you a way that you can make money with LinkedIn even if people don't buy the products you're promoting. If people just click on your ads... I mean, sorry. If people just click on your link, this is no ads.

No spending money. People just click on your links, you'll still make money. So you make money no matter what. Let's get into this. This is exciting. I'm excited to share this new find that I have.

This is what I'm going to be showing you how you make on the internet without any skills,experience or anything on LinkedIn. So, let's get into this right here. This method is hot. This is very simple and you can do this right now. So, the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get a product that we can promote. We want to promote a product where we don't have to offer any customer support. We don't want to ship this product to anybody. We don't want to talk to anybody.We don't want to make any special agreements where we have to negotiate or call people to get argue with them to pay us money or anything. All we want to do is get a link where if people click on it, we make money. And the easiest way to do that is a method called affiliate marketing. Now, I'm going to show you 2 ways you can do affiliate marketing here. So, if you're from any country in the world except for Nigeria Bangladesh or Pakistan, you can use this first affiliate network which I'm going to show you which is called Now, if you're from those other countries, I'll show you a place that you can get your

links from next. But first off is Clickbank. Looking right here and you're going to go over to this area which says create an account. So, you're going to go over. 

How to earn money $100 or above from linkedin? ver here. Create an account and you'll sign up. And the ways you get paid with Clickbank... This is how they'll pay you money is you'll get paid by either wire.

So, you're going to need a bank account to get paid or you're going to need an address for them to send a check to, okay? So again, you need an address or a bank account. One of those two things very simple, very standard to get paid. That's how they will pay you. Okay? So, next after you create an account, you'll want to go over to the area called affiliate marketplace. Now, inside of the affiliate marketplace, you'll either want to search for my last name or you can go over just click the search button right here. And a bunch of products will show up, okay? And you can do different ways of searching but I just did... I just sorted by products that pay over $100 commission. So, you'll see that number one product out of thousands of products on their network is this.. It's actually my program called The Super Affiliate System. And if we zoom in on that, you'll see SuperAffiliate System, John Crestani's... You know, webinar funnel. This is my educational training course that has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. But I'm going to show you how you can get Clickbank to pay you money talking about it. So, what we want to do is we want to click promote. Now, let me show

you a second way to find my product. So, once again, once you're in the Click bank marketplace, what you do is you go over here to find products and you'll just search my last name which is Crestani. And then you'll click search right there.

You'll just click that button and app will show my product right here, okay?

Now, this is how much you will get paid every time somebody clicks the link and decides to purchase the program. So, I'll be showing you the bonus method later where you can literally get paid if people just click on your link itself.That's really nutty. So, next we're going to click promote right here and we are going to have a page that pops up like this.

So, just leave the link as the default link. Don't worry about this gobbledygook.

And if you're logged in, your Clickbank username will show up right here. So, then

what you'll do is you'll click generate hop links. That button right there, okay?

So, generate hop links. And this is the link. If people go to this link, okay?

This link right here. They have to click on this and if that gets clicked, what it tells the computers or whatever is it says, "Okay, you created that click." And if somebody ends up buying from that click or from that computer, from that browser,

you will get paid $469, okay?

Pretty cool, right? So, you want to use this link. And what we're going to do is

we're going to we're going to highlight this and copy it or we're going to actually just click this copy button (That's what I usually do) and just copy that link right there. So, I'm bringing up a notepad just to save this link. Just so I don't lose it later on. Now, what you'll notice is that this link is really ugly. And it doesn't look very clickable. If somebody sent me this link, I'd say, "What the heck?

It it looks like an ugly link. I don't want to click it. It might be weird." What

we're going to do is we're going to make this link pretty and we're gonna shorten it

so that we can post it more easier places. I'm going to take the link again. And

we're going to go over to a site named bitly. Now, real quick before I go to bitly. If you're from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan or some other you know country. But if you're from one of these countries, you can go to, you can go to And I'm having my editors pop this on the page. But basically this affiliate network will accept people from any country around the world. Now, you won't be able to promote my program.

They don't have as many offers that you can promote. But you can use links. You can get your affiliate link no matter whatever country you're from. They'll pay via Payoneer or even I think PayPal. But they will pay you money no matter what country are from. But I'm not going to go too deep into digistore. I'm going to focus on what's tried proven and true and that works for the majority of the world. Deal? Okay. So, here we are on And I'm going to go down here to where it says shorten your link. I'm going to paste my link in and I'm going to click this button that says shorten. And I'm just going to shorten it real quick. Okay, boom.

We're going to copy this link and I am going to take it. I'm going to put it in my notepad. Short link and I'm just going to paste it in there. So, this link looks alot better than this big ugly long link. And now, the next step I'm going to do is. we're going to promote it on LinkedIn. So now, that we're ready, we have our account

set up; we have everything set up, we're going to go to LinkedIn. Okay, so there's three real ways that we can make money posting our links on LinkedIn. And this is very simple, very easy to do to get you that first money. So, check this out.

Now, the first way is kind of the most obvious but you can do post updates, okay?

Now, LinkedIn allows you to post updates --status updates just like Facebook or you know many other networks do. So, you can put an update with a message. Saying something along the lines of "This is a blessing. They're still of openings available. Check this method out to start earning money from home." And then you put my link in, okay? And I'll show you some example messages that you can post that work in just a second here. Now, the second method to make money on LinkedIn is actually sending direct messages, okay? And direct messages is a great way to get your links out there. Very effective. You're going to get people clicking on your link super easy. But what if you don't have friends on LinkedIn yet? What if you just created your profile or something like that? Now, if you don't have friends,

you can still post your link places in LinkedIn which is you can post in groups,

okay? So, you can join groups and post in them.

There other ways you can post your links on LinkedIn. You can post in the comments on other people's posts. But let's stick to these three methods. These are just very obvious and tried-and-true and I'm going to show you how you can do all of these and I'm going to give you example messages you can post to make money. Okay,so we're on LinkedIn right now. And as you see, there's a lot of stuff going on on LinkedIn. By the way, this guy Dan Fleischman, shout out you're the man,

love your content, really excited to be a part of your mastermind. But in other news, you can do a post. And you can talk about anything you want. Now, you can make it show up to anybody but it will mostly show up to the people you are friends with. So, what do we post though? Now, let's use proven examples of posts that works.

Now, I get these messages every single day such as you know, this alert. "John,there's an opening in your area. John this blessing is all yours. Use this. Hey, this is Monica, you keep this between me and you. You know. keep this between me and you. Here's a link it's been a blessing for our family." The goal is to get people over to your affiliate link. You want them to click because once they click and they come to my page, that's going to do the work for them. Because what they're going to see when they enter your affiliate link is they're going to see it this. And it says, "How to earn a six-figure income online."

And this is my training program where I teach people how they can take back control of their lives; replace their job income and start earning money online.

I'm giving you the free method in this training course I go much much deeper.

And it's just a whole different thing. and I have coaches and all this stuff. But basically, this is going to get many people's attention. So once they click on your link, they're going to be intrigued, they're gonna sign up for the training and eventually some of them will buy and you'll make your$469. But let's not get into the mechanics too much. I want to show you exactly how to make this happen with proven messages.

Okay, so if you're pretty pumped to get into these methods, type in "LinkedIn money" in the comments because this is this is really easy and just wait till you see number 3 in this series because it's going to blow your mind. And after that, I'm going to go over the bonus of how you can actually post your link

just get paid for clicks. So, if you're excited to see what's coming next, type in "LinkedIn money" and make a commitment to yourself to put this method into action because if you don't do the work, nobody will do it for you, okay? If you don't work, this won't work. And you're only going to make money if you get off your butt and you actually... Or well maybe you don't need to get off your butt but if you actually put in the work. So, keep that in mind that watching videos and all this stuff. You know, maybe this is entertaining for you. Maybe you like learning how to make money. What matters is that you actually go out there and put this into action to make the money. I get so many people that watch my blogs. but they don't put this into action. And if you're one of those people, you're never going to make any money. Be a supreme action taker. Join the money club. So, here are some proven examples of messages that I've received based on you know, if I modified other proven messages, this is what the messages would be. And I just put in my bitly link there. And you would just replace this bitly link with your own link that you have. You know, I would say here is the link you asked for.

This you know... And then it says, "It's been a blessing for our family. John, this blessing..." And you could just say, "This blessing is all yours. You know enjoy it and use it for whatever." Alert, there is an opening in your area and you have that link there. And these are kind of click Bitly titles but people will click them and then they'll go to the next step. And then it's off of you because your job is just to get the click. Now, if you really want to go crazy with this post. you know, you could use hashtags. You know, you could you could say you know like hash tag. You know working remotely hash tag you know Shopify millionaire mindset entrepreneurship. You know etc. And you can even add like some sort of image or something to this post to make it fun.But you don't need to. Then you would just click post, okay? So, you just click post right there and post it up. Okay, very easy, very simple to do. And there you have it. And what's great is you'll see in this post you know, it says "Free training online." So, all of the rest of the marketing is actually already done for you so you can get this going on and it's going to sell people. The next step you can actually do is send people direct messages. You can go to this messaging tab right up here, okay? And click that you can click messages and you can send anybody a message that you want. You know, you can find people who you're friends with and send them a message. And this gives you a direct Avenue that's going to show up in their email, it's going to show up on their phone notifications. And it's going to show up when they go online on LinkedIn. They're going to get a message that talks about your post. So, it's a really effective way because they're getting that message everywhere. They're going to open it. But in order to do this,you need to make sure you add a lot of friends on LinkedIn and you can request as much as 150 connections every single day on LinkedIn. I recommend you start adding people every day on LinkedIn because you'll build up your organic reach through the posts and you'll build up the number of people that you can send direct messages to. The next method you can do no matter if you have any friends or any people following you on LinkedIn whatsoever. So let's get into it. Now, for this next method on

LinkedIn, what we want to do is we actually want to go to the search bar.And on a desktop computer, it will show up it'll say group. So, I could click that or you know I'm just going to search entrepreneur, okay? And I'm searching entrepreneur in the search bar right there. And I'm going to click this more button, okay? I'm going to click more and I'm going to select groups. See right there. And

I'm going to click groups. And what I'm going to do is we have a bunch of different groups around entrepreneurs. There are 89,000 members of the entrepreneur magazine group. 36,000 members of the entrepreneur news network. You know, we have 16,000 members, 13,000 members. So, we can just join all of these groups and start adding our groups so we can post in them. So, we want to say request to join and boom. We sent in our request. You know, request to join. Boom! We sent in our request. And now, what we want to do, we wait for those group requests to be approved and we will go in. Now, I suggest you request every single group you can.

Request all the marketing groups. Request all the Entrepreneurship groups or Request on all motivation groups. Request all the e-commerce or affiliate marketing groups.

And join them all. You know, here's a group I did the search for marketing. It has you know, 500,000 members. Imagine what could happen if your link showed up to 500,000 people, okay? That could be a lot of money. Okay, so here's one group that I just got approved for that has 247,000 members, okay? And it's called the marketing group, digital TV marketing. So what I'm going to do if I want to post in this group is I'm going to click start a conversation in this group. And I'm simply going to post my link or my message there and then. You know, select my hashtags and click post.

And that way my message will show up to everybody in the group and it'll show up as in notifications on their phones, LinkedIn will push that email.

Saying group updates. People get messages a lot of different ways. Because what you're doing is you're leveraging LinkedIn to kind of market for you and get your link out. And boom! Very easy and you should start making money fast. Now, boom! Wasn't that easy? Got 3 methods. And roughly speaking about one in every hundred clicks becomes a sale. So, with 247 thousand members, you can get way more money than that. But that is an easy way. You get one sale a week and you are making a hundred dollars a day. So, very easy. There are other products you can promote in Clickbank that are less money and you can make less money but this is a way you can easily make money. Now, let's go into the bonus method where you can get paid even if people just click on your ads. I'm not even joking.

Check this out on my computer. But if you're excited, make sure you subscribe.

Hit that subscribe button. And if you're interested in having me as your mentor,join the money club. You can click join right next to the subscribe button.

You'll learn some my techniques. I have some mini-course over 40 hours of content that you can learn from me and also twice a monthly live streams where you can ask me questions and I'll show you stuff live too. You can talk with me because your network is your net worth. And if you surround yourself with multimillionaires like me before you know it, you'll be in the same club. So,

the way you can get paid if people simply click on your link is the site called adfly. So, if we go right here we see ad fly, it's like A-D-F-L-Y. There's a link in the description below this video. But you go here you see how it works it says get paid to share links on the internet. You can register for an account and start shrinking, okay? So, you put in your link and it will shrink it to a different link. Get paid for every person who visits your link, okay? So, people visit. You get money. And you can place your links anywhere on the Internet, okay? So, it's very easy. It works very fast. So, just if you get people to click you get paid. As you see, they will pay you 2 ways. ViaPayPal or via Payoneer. And this company's been around for a while. As you see, over 4 million links were clicked already just today. So, lots of people are using it and it's something that works. And it's something that works very well.

Now, what you'll want to do is you'll want to go up here. You'll want to take

your Clickbank link and you'll copy it, okay? So, you'll want to copy your Clickbank link and paste it into ADFLY. And then you click this button that says"shrink". And you'll get another link that looks sort of like this. It's a shorter link and we'll copy this link and we'll just copy this and we'll put it back on our notepad. So, we'll say adfly link. And we'll just post that right there. And what you can do is you can put this link in your posts, your DMS or your group messages and that way you will get paid 2 ways. If your mind was blown, if this opens your mind to the different ways you can make money, type in "mind blown" in the comments or or type in "LinkedIn money" LinkedIn money is awesome. You can do it really easily. I show you one trick that you can use 3 ways make money...

From two ways, sorry. The one trick --affiliate marketing you can get paid 2 different ways. Really cool stuff if you're going to apply this,guys. This is easy. So put it into action. And if you're ready to take your life to the next level, make sure you subscribe to my channel. Start putting yourself on the path to mega money, okay? Start putting yourself on the math to putting this into your bank account into your pocket, into your retirement. Live the life that you want to live and if you're really ready to go to the next level,join the money club. $49 a month. You can click join right next to the subscribe button. You'll get over forty hours of video trainings from me.You'll also get to monthly live streams will you'll be able to ask me questions and answers. Again, my time is very valuable. I make about a million dollars per month. The point being, I'd rather spend my time with my family.

Kitesurfing, traveling the world, skiing, helicopter flying. All the things I love doing. But I'm going to take some time out to answer your question. Help you get ahead live. And if you're part of my money club, you have that sort of access. To me so I look forward to seeing you there. Subscribe, like, comment. Ask me

whatever question you want in the comments. Talk to you soon.

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